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Is Your Workplace Spirit Animal Thriving?

Writer's picture: Dr. Pat SandersDr. Pat Sanders

This week I wanted to write about something different. Something that is fun and interesting to read, something not too heavy. We have enough of that with a pandemic raging across the globe. Thus, I’m writing about finding your workplace spirit animal. In other words, the type work that fulfills you. Everyone wants to be involved in work that makes them happy, an environment that fulfills them professionally. One where a person is just chomping at the bit to face the world each day. When you're fulfilling your workplace spirit animal, you have a feeling at the end of the day that tires you out but lets you know you have made some great accomplishments and contributions to the world.

You may be wondering, what are the workplace spirit animals that describe us? According to Seek Learning, there are four types : The Grasshopper, Social Butterfly, Plan-Savvy Squirrel and the Learned Lion. Which are you? Let’s see. We begin with the Grasshopper.

“The Grasshopper prefers the personal touch, gleaning pearls of wisdom one-on-one from a teacher they respect. If you enjoy building a connection with someone while learning from their experience, having a mentor may be the logical next step in furthering your career. There are many ways you can find a mentor. It may be someone you already work with, or it may be a respected professional in your industry who you can connect with in person or online. Take note of which thought leaders most inspire you, and don’t be afraid to reach out to them with questions.”

The next workplace spirit animal, the Social Butterfly, has the following characteristics:

“This type person thrives on group energy and engagement, and enjoys drawing from a wide network of friends, colleagues and advisors to build upon their existing knowledge and opportunities. For those who love meeting new and interesting people, a focus on goal-driven networking can be an excellent strategy for expanding your career prospects. Networking is more than handing out business cards to everyone you meet in the hope that something will stick. It is about building relationships that are mutually beneficial – so focus on quality rather than quantity. Be discerning about who you approach, with an aim to introduce yourself to a few key people, as opposed to business-card-bombing dozens of contacts.”

Next in line, the Plan-Savvy-Squirrel who loves planning and activities.

“This spirit animal is in a perpetual state of goal setting, actioning and accomplishment – and loves it. If you enjoy working autonomously, then devising your own professional growth plan and keeping yourself accountable could be the best strategy. Consider where you are right now in your career, and then look ahead to where you want to be within the next one, two, or five years. Setting goals is fantastic, but to be effective in moving your career forward, make sure they are actionable, relevant, and have a deadline. It’s crucial when you honestly assess your current skills, and to then make an achievable plan to fill the gaps.”

Finally, are you the Learned Lion? If so, you may find yourself interacting with others in this fashion:

“Courageous and self-assured, the Learned Lion isn’t afraid of putting their aspirations first and making significant changes to get what they want. If your road to career greatness means a substantial up-skill, then obtaining a new qualification will be a key element for the year ahead. Are you looking to progress further within your current industry, or make a big change and pursue your dream career? A recognized qualification will really help you 'up' your game.”

There you have it, spirit animals for the workplace. Do you identify more heavily with one, if so, share your thoughts in the comment section below. Tell us why you chose that particular one.

As for me, I am definitely the Social Butterfly. Upon looking at just the titles, initially, I surmised I would be the Learned Lion. It sounded like me, since I consider myself to bold and courageous, which I am. However, the Social Butterfly describes me to the core. I love working with and meeting new people, finding fresh, new ideas and projects. I feed off of and thrive on that type energy. Nothing brings me more satisfaction than a team setting goals and seeing them through to reality. Though, I’m also a very strong, and independent, worker as well. I also tend to prefer quality over quantity in networking relationships. I like to build a foundation of trust and reliability.

Your type spirit animal is something to think about, who the inner you are and figuring out what you can do to find a place that satisfies your need for fulfillment. Here’s what you can do, begin to research companies or organizations that have a work-culture that will allow you to let your spirit animal flourish. Yes, even in the middle of a pandemic. Taking the steps now does not necessarily mean you have to make a sudden move. No, no. It simply means beginning to plan your next plan.

If you’d like to read more about the variety of spirit animals that exist in the workplace, check out seeklearning for more.

With gratitude,

Dr. Pat

Note: I do not have any type advertorial relationship with Seek Learning.



Copyright © 2023 Dr. Pat Sanders  

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